Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Life @ Work

A new trainer was hired in my department some time ago and the department manager says..."...and you know Kenny...he's always here, in fact the only thing he's missing is his bed because he practicly lives here lol"...Which made me realize....I have no effing life!

Isn't crazy when you hear people say "i'm a workaholic" and you think to yourself, "no, you're a looser" and then turns out that you are considered a workaholic and you didn't even noticed you were one!

That has been my life for the past 3 or 4 years at my job, I have tried to excel in every possible way and on the way, without even knowing, I left my personal and "romantic" life to rot in hell! GAWD...how did that happen?

Is it ever going to stop? Am i gonna chill? ever? And i can't help but wonder...am i really a workaholic? well to answer my own question I do have to point out that my schedule ends @ 5pm CST and is 8:20pm and i'm still at the office, which is really sad :-(

So, my goal for the comming months is to just demand my vacations and really do something i've always want to know. What comes to my mind first is to take a trip...i'd love to just go away for a few days/weeks and be on my own, you know? Wouldn't that be cool? I mean, just go away and have fun, meet new people and just do whatever the hell you want to do!

I really need a reality check and just make sure I take care of my needs instead of my company's (just for a few days at least).

So, in order to leave the workaholic behind, i'mma cash my vacations and just get the hell out of my work circle...mjm, where should i go????

More to come.........

1 comment:

  1. i.think ur right u deserve and need sum vacations u know i can use sum too but u also know that its not ez to get them. Plus its not like we can just req for them and jusr get them it actually depends on if they want to give them out! but yes i agree u need those days off mostly when u spend almost 14 hours ar work....so in the mean time...GO HOME ALREADY!!!! and get sum sleep cuz ur gonna need It for tomorrows 14 hour shift lol! get out of there and b free 4 da rest of da night! xoxo...Monica de xelita
