Sunday, October 10, 2010

Defending Christina!

For the past few months I have noticed the hype around Christina Aguilera's new album "Bionic" and some of the comments say the album is not good. Well I guess everyone has the right to voice their opinion, but I think the album is pretty amazing.
What made me want to start this, is what I have been seeing in perez hilton's page. I mean, there is a line between criticism and plain out-of-nowhere hate, I mean this "guy" is just talking out of his ass, calling Christina different stupid names and is trying to ridicule her any way he can, well sad to tell you perez, you can't.
Christina has been around for over 10 years and killing it every time she releases a record, whether you like it or not!
I know Christina does not need anyone to defend her because she is very talented but I just got tired that this perez looser is trashing her just because she thinks lady gaga is the best and is his friend. Christina demonstrated since day one that she is the real deal, I mean her career started based on her amazing vocals and talent, not because she spills blood on her or because of  ridiculous fashion statements. She started doing the fashion statements and all the craziness after she had proven she was the great!
I just think people get obsessed by a new popular singer or trend and then forgets all the true talents.
Anyways, I think Christina is wonderful and I became a fan of hers after she was famous, I am not a crazy obsessed fan or anything like that... I just thought i would say what I think about the criticism she has received lately. Are the critics right? I am not a critic but I recognize that Bionic is a dam good album and I'm truly not saying it because I'm a fan, but because the songs are really awesome and they made me feel good the first time i heard them.
Critics these days are just writing to create hype and a buzz for their magazines and stuff, I believe the greatness of an artist should not be measured in how many records were sold or how many weeks a song was in the top stop at radio stations...I think that only determines how popular a song or artist is for the moment.

People should give Bionic a chance, I mean, if you listen to it from beginning to end and read the lyrics, you will get what Christina was trying to create :-)
Anyways, that is my own opinion and i stick to it!
Great artists like Christina should not be given a hard time just because a handful of ignorant haters try to trash them. There are lots of great artists that were not "as popular" but are considered the greatest now, is all relative on people's perception. I personally think, Christina Aguilera is the great voice of this generation and she will continue to impress everyone (for good or bad) but she will continue forever, mark my words!